need more hours in a day

just a little more you need to know about me everyday...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

just another day

I can't decide if I'm a winter girl or a summer kinda girl. Here it is, and it's finally above 20 degrees and I'm feeling like I wish the temp would drop again!
What's up with that? I guess that should tell me something about myself- I'm hard to satisfy.
Always wanting the house to be a bit tidier, the kids a little more well behaved, my hair just a tad bit curlier.... on and on. I guess maybe someday the world will get it all right, but for now, I'm simply hard to satisfy.

Friday, April 22, 2005

I'm here!

Well, it was with great hestitation that I ventured into this part of the world. I'm not all that computer literate, as many will agree with me, so this was quite a step for me.
I'm here and I'm proud, but I'm not going to guarantee that anything I have to say will be all that worthy for the time being. I'll walk around here quietly and then maybe I'll get adventurous when I'm a little more sure of myself.
Thanks for introducing me to the unknown, Cammy!