"Mom, do we need to go to WalMart today?" I've heard that every morning lately. well, really it's my own fault. the boy is addicted. not to say he's addicted to the one stop shopping spot, no. no, it's more like the contents. well, one in particulare. every boy's achille's tendon. ok. just some.
uncle derry got the kids started on hockey cards this winter. you know, he may not give big expensive gifts, but what he does come up with is usually something that seems like it lasts a lifetime. a couple years before, flashlights. yep, got the kids flashlights! and next thing i knew it was little ones, big ones, foldable ones... you got it.
so now this year it was hockey cards. and finally my son asked if he could spend some of his wallet money on more cards. how was i to deny him? so, sitting behind the wheel of the pathfinder the other day, i gave in. i really didn't think we'd find any at this time of year. first stop, wally world! and wouldn't you know it- tins of cards. and not just any cards- upperdeck! now, from my time these are quite the collector cards. good quality, glossy, love the stats! so. the collection has officially started.
the other confession: i snuck down to the storage room and dug up the cardboard box that has moved with me several times.... it is MY collection of trader cards. and not hockey. oh no!!!!!! basketball, football, and baseball. the good old days of magic johnson, larry bird, joe montana, and jose canseco. i can not believe how many cards i have! and apparently neither could my husband and kids! LOL
so, apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.... and so now, my poor son just waits to hear the words, "we gotta stop at walmart".